
How to contribute to our docs

We value and appreciate all contributions to our documentation. You can contribute in the following ways:

  1. Suggest edits option: Share your suggestions for improving the clarity or accuracy of our documentation.
  2. Propose enhancements for our GitHub repository : Submit feature suggestions or improvements via our GitHub repository.
    1. Submit a Pull Request (PR): You can submit a PR to our documents repository on GitHub for more direct involvement.
  3. Join the discussion: Post a message in our community forum to engage with other users and developers.

Suggest edits

To suggest edits to our documentation, follow these steps after logging in:

  1. Click on the "Suggest Edits" button.
  2. Locate the area in the Guides page where you would like to suggest edits and use the editor to make those changes.
  3. Click "Suggest" and add a title to the suggested edits. You can also provide an optional description before submitting your suggestion.
  4. [Optional] You can also add additional edits, preview the change, add a comment, and see the before and after.


All suggested edits have a preview button!

You can view any changes in the live site to get a true feel for how the change will render — no imagination required!

Propose enhancements on our GitHub repository

We recommend contributing to Deriv APIs by following these steps:

  1. Start by forking the Deriv API Docs repository.
  2. Clone the forked repository on your machine.
  3. Create a remote branch, e.g. git remote add upstream
  4. Fetch updates from the remote branch: git fetch upstream
  5. Rebase your branch with the latest remote branch content: git rebase upstream/master