Secure access for your users.
To unlock the complete functionality of Deriv APIs, you must first authenticate and then authorize your users.
For Deriv APIs, your users must be authenticated and authorized by our OAuth provider and WebSocket Server.
The OAuth provider handles user logins and grants secure access tokens. The WebSocket server then uses these tokens to verify users and facilitate seamless communication with the Deriv API. Together, these components ensure the security and efficiency of your app.
Authentication process
OAuth, short for Open Authorization, is a protocol that enables a client to access server-hosted resources on behalf of the user without exposing their credentials. For more information, refer to OAuth.
This method enables Deriv account holders to log into third-party apps without generating an API token. Consequently, the third-party app does not access the user’s password or permanent API token, enhancing security.
To authenticate your user:
Make sure the URL is specified correctly in the OAuth Details. To verify this, navigate to the Register application tab and click the Authentication URL on the Dashboard. To change or update the URL, select the Manage application tab.
Add a login button on your website or app.
When users click the button, automatically send them to the following URL:
with the actual ID of your app, found in the Dashboard → Manage application tab. -
When the user completes the signup or login, they will be redirected to the Redirect URL.
The redirected URL will include appended arguments containing the user's session tokens. For instance:
https://[YOUR_WEBSITE_URL]/redirect/?acct1=cr799393& token1=a1-f7pnteezo4jzhpxclctizt27hyeot&cur1=usd& acct2=vrtc1859315& token2=a1clwe3vfuuus5kraceykdsoqm4snfq& cur2=usd
Authorisation process
The query parameters within the redirect URL represent the user's accounts and associated session tokens.
To convert these query parameters into an array, follow this approach:
const user_accounts = [ { account: 'cr799393', token: 'a1-f7pnteezo4jzhpxclctizt27hyeot', currency: 'usd', }, { account: 'vrtc1859315', token: 'a1clwe3vfuuus5kraceykdsoqm4snfq', currency: 'usd', }, ];
Call the authorize API using the session token linked to the selected user's account to grant authorization.
const user_accounts = [ { account: 'cr799393', token: 'a1-f7pnteezo4jzhpxclctizt27hyeot', currency: 'usd', }, { account: 'vrtc1859315', token: 'a1clwe3vfuuus5kraceykdsoqm4snfq', currency: 'usd', }, ];
The response to the authorize call is an object as follows:
{ "account_list": [ { "account_type": "trading", "created_at": 1647509550, "currency": "USD", "is_disabled": 0, "is_virtual": 0, "landing_company_name": "svg", "loginid": "CR799393", "trading": {} }, { "account_type": "trading", "created_at": 1664132232, "currency": "ETH", "is_disabled": 0, "is_virtual": 0, "landing_company_name": "svg", "loginid": "VRTC1859315", "trading": {} }, ], "balance": 0, "country": "id", "currency": "USD", "email": "", "fullname": " John Doe", "is_virtual": 0, "landing_company_fullname": "Deriv (SVG) LLC", "landing_company_name": "svg", "local_currencies": { "IDR": { "fractional_digits": 2 } }, "loginid": "CR799393", "preferred_language": "EN", "scopes": [ "read", "trade", "trading_information", "payments", "admin" ], "trading": {}, "upgradeable_landing_companies": [ "svg" ], "user_id": 12345678 }
Now that the selected user is authorised, and you can use Deriv API calls on behalf of the account.
Updated 3 months ago