Error codes
Error Code | Message |
AccountShouldBeReal | Only real accounts are allowed to open [_1] real accounts. Demo account cannot open real dxtrader. |
AccountTypesMismatch | Transfer between real and virtual accounts is not allowed. |
AccountWithDeposit | Change of currency is not allowed for an existing account with previous deposits. |
AffiliateNotFound | N/A |
AllowCopiersError | Copier can't be a trader. |
AlreadyAgeVerified | Your age has already been verified. |
AlreadyVerified | This account is already phone number verified. |
AmountNotAllowed | The minimum amount for transfers is [_1] [_2] after conversion fees are deducted. Please adjust the amount. |
AppGet | Not Found |
AppRegister | Not Found |
AppUpdate | N/A |
AppropriatenessTestFailed | Failed to reach an acceptable trading experience score. |
AuthenticateAccount | Please authenticate your [_1] account to proceed with the fund transfer. |
AuthenticateAccountCreate | Please verify your [_1] account to proceed with account creation. |
AuthorizationRequired | Please log in. |
BadSession | The token you used is invalid in this session. Please get a new token and try again. |
BalanceExceeded | This deposit will cause your account balance to exceed your account limit of 300000 USD. |
BarrierValidationError | Barrier can only be up to [_1] decimal places. |
BelowMinimumAge | Value of date of birth is below the minimum age required. |
CannotChangeAccountDetails | You may not change these account details. Correct error code. |
CannotChangeWallet | Sorry, your trading account is already linked to a wallet. |
CannotGetOpenPositions | A connection error happened while we were completing your request. Please try again later. |
CannotLinkVirtualAndReal | Please ensure your trading account type is the same as your wallet account type. |
CannotLinkWallet | Sorry, we couldn't link your trading account to this wallet. |
CashierLocked | Your account cashier is locked. Please contact us for more information. Correct error code for cashier locked. |
CashierNotAllowed | Cashier deposits and withdrawals are not allowed on this account. |
CashierRequirementsMissing | Your profile appears to be incomplete. Please update your personal details to continue. |
ClaimedDocument | This document number was already submitted for a different account. Please contact us via live chat if you need help. |
ClientCashierLocked | You cannot transfer to account [_1], as their cashier is locked. |
ClientCurrencyMismatch | You cannot perform this action, as [_1] is not the default account currency for client [_2]. |
ClientCurrencyMismatchWithdraw | You cannot perform this action, as [_1] is not the default currency for your account [_2]. |
ClientDisabledAccount | You cannot transfer to account [_1], as their account is disabled. |
ClientDocumentsExpired | You cannot transfer to account [_1], as their verification documents have expired. |
ClientFrozen | We are completing your request. Please give us a few more seconds. |
ClientInsufficientBalance | Sorry, you cannot withdraw. Your account balance is [_3] [_2]. |
ClientMissing | The client is missing, please provide a valid client. |
ClientRequirementsMissing | You cannot transfer to account [_1], as their profile is incomplete. |
ClientsAreTheSame | Payment agent transfers are not allowed within the same account. |
ClosedMarket | Transfers are unavailable on weekends. Please try again anytime from Monday to Friday. |
ConnectionError | Cannot create an order for [_1]. |
ContractCreationFailure | Contract's stake amount is more than the maximum purchase price. |
ContractIDRequestFailure | Failed to retrieve broker code from client login ID. |
ContractUpdateError | N/A |
ContractUpdateFailure | Contract ID is required to update contract. |
ContractUpdateHistoryError | Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request. |
CopyTradingNotAllowed | Trader does not allow copy trading. |
CryptoAccount | Account currency is set to cryptocurrency. Any change is not allowed. |
CryptoLimitAgeVerified | Withdrawal request of [_1] [_2] exceeds cumulative limit for transactions. Please verify your identity. |
CryptoWithdrawalBalanceExceeded | Withdrawal amount of [_1] [_2] exceeds your account balance of [_3] [_2]. |
CryptoWithdrawalError | Error validating your transaction, please try again in a few minutes. |
CryptoWithdrawalLimitExceeded | Withdrawal amount of [_1] [_2] exceeds your account withdrawal limit of [_3] [_2]. |
CryptoWithdrawalMaxReached | You have reached the maximum withdrawal limit of [_1] [_2]. Please authenticate your account to make unlimited withdrawals. |
CryptoWithdrawalNotAuthenticated | Please authenticate your account to proceed with withdrawals. |
CurrencyChangeIsNotPossible | Change of currency is not allowed for a trading account. |
CurrencyConflict | Currency provided is different from account currency. |
CurrencyMismatch | Please ensure your trading account currency is the same as your wallet account currency. |
CurrencyNotAllowed | The provided currency [_1] is not selectable at the moment. Currency GBP is disabled for signup for maltainvest. |
CurrencyNotApplicable | The provided currency [_1] is not applicable for this account. |
CurrencyNotLegalLandingCompany | Currency provided is not valid for your account. |
CurrencyShouldMatch | Currency provided is different from account currency. |
CurrencySuspended | Transfers between [_1] and [_2] are currently unavailable. Please try again later. |
DECEASED | The document's owner is deceased. |
DOB_MISMATCH | The date of birth retrieved from your document doesn't match your profile. |
DOCUMENT_REJECTED | Document was rejected by the provider. |
DemoTopupBalance | We cannot complete your request. You can only ask for additional virtual funds if your demo account balance falls below [_1] [_2]. |
DemoTopupThrottle | We are processing your top-up request. Please wait for your virtual funds to be credited. |
DepositAttempted | Change of currency is not allowed after the first deposit attempt. |
DepositLimitExceeded | Deposit exceeds [_1] limit [_2]. Aggregated deposit over period [_3]. Current amount [_4]. |
Deprecated | This API is deprecated. |
DifferentFiatCurrencies | Account transfers are not available for accounts with different currencies. Fiat->fiat not allowed - correct error code. |
DisabledAccount | You cannot perform this action, as your account [_1] is currently disabled. |
DisabledClient | Please log in. |
DocumentMissing | The document is missing. |
DocumentNumberMissing | The field document number is required. Document number is missing. |
DocumentTypeMissing | The field document type is required. Document type is missing. |
DocumentsExpired | Your identity documents have expired. Visit your account profile to submit your valid documents and unlock your cashier. |
DuplicateAccount | Sorry, an account already exists with those details. Only one real money account is allowed per client. |
DuplicateCurrency | Please note that you are limited to only one [_1] account. |
DuplicateVirtualWallet | Sorry, a virtual wallet account already exists. |
DuplicateWallet | Sorry, a wallet already exists with those details. |
EMPTY_RESPONSE | The verification status is not available. There is no response from provider. |
EMPTY_STATUS | The verification status was empty, rejected for lack of information. |
EXPIRED | The document's validity has been expired. |
EmptySourceCurrency | Please deposit to your account. |
ExchangeRatesNotAvailable | Exchange rates are not currently available. |
ExchangeRatesUnavailable | Sorry, transfers are currently unavailable. Please try again later. |
Experimental | This currency is temporarily suspended. Please select another currency to proceed. |
ExpiredDocument | The document you used appears to be expired. Please use a valid document. |
FailedToGenerateOTP | Could not generate OTP. Please try again in a few minutes. No attempts left. |
FinancialAccountExists | You already have a financial money account. Please switch accounts to trade financial products. |
FinancialAccountMissing | Your existing account does not allow MT5 trading. To open an MT5 account, please upgrade to a financial account. |
FinancialAssessmentRequired | Please complete your financial assessment. MF client has to complete financial assessment irrespective of risk classification. |
FinancialRiskNotApproved | Financial Risk approval is required. |
GamingAccountMissing | Your existing account does not allow MT5 trading. To open an MT5 account, please upgrade to a gaming account. |
General | A connection error happened while we were completing your request. Please try again later. |
GetContractDetails | Cannot create contract |
GetProposalFailure | Cannot create contract |
HaveOpenPositions | Please withdraw your account balance and close all your open positions before revoking MT5 account manager permissions. |
HighRiskNotAuthenticated | Please authenticate your account. |
IDVResultMissing | The IDV result is missing. |
INFORMATION_LACK | The verification is passed but the personal info is not available to compare. |
INVALID_WEBHOOK_REQUEST | The verification status is not available, provider says: Invalid webhook request. |
IdentityVerificationDisabled | This verification method is currently unavailable. IDV is currently disabled. |
IdentityVerificationDisallowed | This method of verification is not allowed. Please try another method. Client not allowed to upload data. |
IncompatibleClientLoginidClientFrom | You can only transfer from the current authorized client's account. VRTC token cannot perform transfer for VRW account. |
IncompatibleCurrencyType | Please provide valid currency. |
IncompatibleLandingCompanies | Transfers between accounts are not available for your account. |
IncompleteFinancialAssessment | The financial assessment is not complete. Financial assessment should be complete. |
InsufficientAccountDetails | Please provide complete details for your account. It should return error if client does not accept risk. |
InternalCashierError | Sorry, cashier is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later. |
InternalClient | This feature is not allowed for internal clients. |
InternalServerError | Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request. |
InvalidAccount | Sorry, account opening is unavailable. InvalidAccount (used to be Invalid Jersey postcode). |
InvalidAccountRegion | Sorry, account opening is unavailable in your region. It should return error code if wallet is unavailable in country of residence. |
InvalidAccountType | We can't find this account. Please check the details and try again. Invalid account_type entered on dry run. |
InvalidAmount | Invalid amount. Amount provided cannot have more than [_1] decimal places. |
InvalidAppID | Your [_1] is invalid. 'app_id'. |
InvalidArrayValue | Valid array was expected. |
InvalidBrand | Brand is invalid. |
InvalidCitizenship | Sorry, our service is not available for your country of citizenship. Correct error code for invalid citizenship for maltainvest. |
InvalidCompanyInput | Input parameter 'company' is not supported for the account type. |
InvalidCryptoCurrency | The provided currency [_1] is not a valid cryptocurrency. |
InvalidDateFirstContact | Date first contact is invalid. |
InvalidDateOfBirth | Date of birth is invalid. |
InvalidDocumentAdditional | It looks like the document details you entered are invalid. Please check and try again. Invalid document number. |
InvalidDocumentNumber | It looks like the document number you entered is invalid. Please check and try again. Invalid document number. |
InvalidDocumentType | The document type you entered isn't supported for the country you selected. Document type does not exist. |
InvalidLandingCompany | Invalid landing company - [_1]. |
InvalidLoginid | We can't find this login ID in our database. Please check the details and try again. Error code for mt5_get_settings wrong login. |
InvalidLoginidFrom | You are not allowed to transfer from this account. |
InvalidLoginidTo | You are not allowed to transfer to this account. |
InvalidMarketType | We can't find this account market type. Please check the details and try again. |
InvalidMaxAmount | The maximum amount for deposits is [_1] [_2]. Please adjust your amount. Invalid max amount hit. |
InvalidMinAmount | The minimum amount for transfers is [_1] [_2]. Please adjust your amount. Invalid min amount hit. |
InvalidNumericValue | The numeric value is invalid. |
InvalidOTP | The OTP is not valid. |
InvalidOfferings | Correct error code. |
InvalidParameters | PA parameters are valid from paymentagent_withdraw only. |
InvalidPassword | Forgot your password? Please reset your password. Error code for mt5_password_check wrong password. |
InvalidPhone | Please enter a valid phone number, including the country code (e.g. +15417541234). Phone number could not contain alphabetic characters. |
InvalidPlaceOfBirth | Please enter a valid place of birth. |
InvalidPlatform | We can't find this account platform. Please check the details and try again. |
InvalidPrice | Invalid price. Price provided cannot have more than [_1] decimal places. |
InvalidProductOffering | We can't find this product offering. Please check the details and try again. |
InvalidResidence | Sorry, our service is not available for your country of residence. Returns correct response when CPA selected in non-DIEL Country. |
InvalidSellContractProposal | Unknown contract sell proposal. |
InvalidServerInput | Input parameter 'server' is not supported for the account type. |
InvalidStartEnd | Start time [_1] must be before end time [_2]. |
InvalidState | Sorry, the provided state is not valid for your country of residence. Correct error code if address state doesn't match the country of residence. |
InvalidStringValue | This field must contain at least one alphabetic character. |
InvalidStyle | Style [_1] invalid. |
InvalidSubAccountType | We can't find this account. Please check the details and try again. Invalid mt5_account_type entered on dry run. |
InvalidSymbol | Symbol [_1] invalid. |
InvalidTradingAccount | Sorry, we couldn't find your trading account. |
InvalidTradingPlatformPasswordFormat | Please use [_1] to reset your password. Your password must be 8 to 16 characters long. It must include lowercase, uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters. |
InvalidUser | Your User ID appears to be invalid. If user not found, it should return error. |
InvalidWalletAccount | Sorry, we couldn't find your wallet account. |
InvalidtoBuy | Invalid to Buy. |
IssuingCountryMissing | The field issuing country is required. Issuing country is missing. |
LimitOrderAmountTooHigh | N/A. |
MALFORMED_JSON | The verification status is not available, provider says: Malformed JSON. |
MYAFFRuntimeError | Error in response structure. |
MarketIsClosed | This market is presently closed. |
MaxWithdrawalIsLessThanMin | The requested maximum amount must be greater than the minimum amount. |
MigrationAlreadyFinished | Wallet migration is already finished. |
MigrationAlreadyInProgress | Wallet migration is already in progress. |
MigrationNotFailed | Migration is not in failed state. |
MigrationSuspended | Wallet migration is not available. |
MinWithdrawalIsNegative | The requested minimum amount must be greater than zero. |
MissingAmount | Please enter the amount you want to transfer. |
MissingContractId | Contract ID is required to cancel contract. |
MissingID | Your login ID is missing. Please check the details and try again. |
MissingRequiredParams | Target currency is required. |
MissingSignupDetails | Your profile appears to be incomplete. Please update your personal details to continue. |
MockResponseNotFound | Cannot find mock RPC response for method. |
MultiplierNotAllowed | Up to 100 tokens are allowed. |
NAME_MISMATCH | The name retrieved from your document doesn't match your profile. |
NEEDS_TECHNICAL_INVESTIGATION | The verification status is not available, provider says: Needs Technical Investigation. |
NeedBothSecret | Need both secret question and secret answer. |
NewAccountLimitReached | You have created all accounts available to you. Correct error code. |
NewAccountPOAFailed | Failed to create account due to failed Proof of Address with status: [_1]. |
NoAccountCurrency | Please set the currency for your existing account. Correct error code when currency not set. |
NoAccountDetails | We are retrieving your MT5 details. Please give us a few more seconds. |
NoAttemptsLeft | Please wait for some time before requesting another link. |
NoAuthNeeded | You don't need to authenticate your account at this time. |
NoBalanceVerifyMail | Withdrawal isn't possible because you have no funds in your [_1] account. |
NoConnection | N/A. |
NoCurrencySet | Please set the currency of your account. |
NoExchangeRates | Sorry, transfers are currently unavailable. Please try again later. Transfer from suspended currency not allowed - correct error code. |
NoManagerAccountWithdraw | Withdrawals from MT5 manager accounts are not possible. Please choose another payment method. |
NoMaxTurnoverLimit | Please set your 30-day turnover limit in our self-exclusion facilities to access the cashier. |
NoMoney | Your withdrawal is unsuccessful. Please make sure you have enough funds in your account. |
NoRealtimeQuotes | Realtime quotes not available for [_1]. |
NoResidence | Please set your country of residence. |
NoSubmissionLeft | You've reached the maximum number of attempts for verifying your proof of identity with this method. No submission left occurred. |
NoSymbolProvided | Please provide an underlying symbol. |
NoTaxInformation | Tax-related information is mandatory for legal and regulatory requirements. Please provide your latest tax information. |
NoTransferFee | Transfers are currently unavailable between [_1] and [_2]. Please use a different currency or try again later. |
NoWithdrawalOrTradingStatus | You cannot perform this action, as your account is withdrawal locked. |
NotAgeVerified | Please verify your identity. CR client with no POI and no POA gets error code NotAuthenticated from paymentagent_create. |
NotAuthenticated | Please authenticate your account. CR client with no POA gets error code NotAuthenticated from paymentagent_create. |
NotAuthorized | Your account needs to be authenticated to perform payment agent transfers. |
NotFound | N/A. |
NotSupportedCountry | The country you selected isn't supported. Not supported country. |
OfferingsValidationError | correct error code |
OfferingsValidationFailure | correct error code |
OpenP2POrders | You cannot change account currency while you have open P2P orders. |
OrderCreationError | This feature is only available for accounts with crypto as currency. |
OutdatedDocuments | Your proof of address document is outdated. Visit your account profile to submit your valid documents and unlock your cashier. |
PACashierLockedWithdraw | You cannot perform the withdrawal to account [_1], as the payment agent's cashier is locked. |
PACommisionWithdrawalLimit | The amount you entered exceeds your commission balance. You may withdraw up to [_1] [_2]. |
PACurrencyMismatch | You cannot perform this action, as [_1] is not the default account currency for payment agent [_2]. |
PACurrencyMismatchWithdraw | You cannot perform this action, as [_1] is not default currency for payment agent account [_2]. |
PADepositsWithdrawalLimit | As some of your previous deposits were made via a payment agent, the maximum you can withdraw is [_1] [_2]. |
PADepositsWithdrawalZero | As your previous deposits were made via a payment agent, you can only withdraw via a payment agent. |
PADisabledAccountWithdraw | You cannot perform the withdrawal to account [_1], as the payment agent's account is disabled. |
PADocumentsExpiredWithdraw | You cannot perform withdrawal to account [_1], as payment agent's verification documents have expired. |
PAP2PDepositsWithdrawalLimit | As some of your previous deposits were made via P2P and payment agents, the maximum you can withdraw is [_1] [_2]. |
PAP2PDepositsWithdrawalZero | As your previous deposits were made via P2P and a payment agent, you can only withdraw via those methods. |
PASameAccountWithdrawal | You cannot withdraw funds to the same account. |
PATransferClientFailure | You cannot transfer to account [_1]. |
PAUnwelcomeStatusWithdraw | We cannot transfer to account [_1]. Please select another payment agent. |
PAWithdrawalDifferentBrokers | Payment agent withdrawals are not allowed for specified accounts. |
POAVerificationFailed | Proof of Address verification failed. Withdrawal operation suspended. |
PROMO8 | N/A |
PROVIDER_UNAVAILABLE | The verification status is not available, provider says: Provider Unavailable. |
PasswordError | That password is incorrect. Please try again. |
PasswordReset | Please reset your password to continue. error code for 6th bad password |
PaymentValidationError | An error occurred while processing your request. Please try again later. |
PaymentsSuspended | Payments are currently unavailable. Please try again later. |
Permission Denied | You can not perform the phone number verification while impersonating an account |
PhoneNumberTaken | The phone number is not available. the phone number is not available. |
PhoneNumberVerificationSuspended | Phone Number Verification is temporarily suspended suspended! |
PoBoxInAddress | P.O. Box is not accepted in address. |
PotentialFraud | Please authenticate your account. |
PriceMoved | price moved error |
ProfessionalAlreadySubmitted | You already requested professional status. |
ProfessionalNotAllowed | Professional status is not applicable to your account. |
ProofRequirementError | Proof of Identity or Address requirements not met. Operation rejected. |
REJECTED_BY_PROVIDER | The document was rejected by the Provider. |
RETRY_MECHANISM | The document's verification is waiting for the provider. |
RateLimitExceeded | Permission denied. |
RealAccountMissing | You are on a virtual account. To open an MT5 account, please upgrade to a real account. Real account missing |
RequiredFieldMissing | This field is required. |
ResidentSelfDeclarationRequired | Resident Self Declaration required for country. It should return error: ResidentSelfDeclarationRequired |
SameAccountNotAllowed | Account transfers are not available within same account. |
SameAsInvestorPassword | The new password is the same as your investor password. Please take a different password. |
SameAsMainPassword | The new password is the same as your main password. Please take a different password. |
SelfExclusion | You have chosen to exclude yourself from trading on our website until [_1]. If you are unable to place a trade or deposit after your self-exclusion period, please contact us via live chat. If password is weak it should return error |
SelfExclusionLimitExceeded | This deposit will cause your account balance to exceed your limit of 1000 USD. To proceed with this deposit, please adjust your self exclusion settings. |
SellExpiredError | There was an error processing the request. |
SetExistingAccountCurrency | Please set your account currency. correct error code. |
StreamingNotAllowed | Streaming for this symbol is not available due to license restrictions. |
SuccessRegister | Error in response structure |
Suspendedlogin | This email address is invalid. |
SwitchAccount | This account does not allow MT5 trading. Please log in to the correct account. |
SystemMaintenance | Sorry, cashier is temporarily unavailable due to system maintenance. |
SystemMaintenanceCrypto | Sorry, crypto cashier is temporarily unavailable due to system maintenance. |
SystemMaintenanceDepositOutage | Deposits are temporarily unavailable for [_1]. Please try later. |
SystemMaintenanceWithdrawalOutage | Withdrawals are temporarily unavailable for [_1]. Please try later. |
TIMEOUT | The verification status is not available, provider says: Timeout. |
TINDetailInvalid | The provided Tax Identification Number is invalid. Please try again. |
TINDetailsMandatory | We require your tax information for regulatory purposes. Please fill in your tax information. should complete tax details |
TaxInformationCleared | Tax information cannot be removed once it has been set. |
Testing | N/A |
Throttle | It looks like you have already made the request. Please try again later. |
Timeout | N/A |
TooManyDecimalPlaces | Only [_1] decimal places are allowed. |
TooManyTokens | Up to 100 tokens are allowed. |
TradingPlatformError | Sorry, an error occurred. Please try again later. bad params |
TradingPlatformInvalidAccount | This [_1] account is not available for your account. Has correct error code for duplicate account |
TransferBetweenAccountsError | Transfers between accounts are not available for your account. error code is TransferBetweenAccountsError |
TransferBetweenDifferentCurrencies | Your account currencies need to be the same. Please choose accounts with matching currencies and try again. |
TransferBlocked | Transfers are not allowed for these accounts. |
TransferBlockedClientIsVirtual | The authorized account cannot be used to perform transfers. virtual account -> MT5 demo transfer error code |
TransferBlockedLegacy | Transfers are not allowed for these accounts. |
TransferBlockedTradingAccounts | Transfers are not allowed for these accounts. |
TransferBlockedWalletDeposit | Transfers are not allowed for these accounts. cannot transfer crw -> PA client |
TransferBlockedWalletNotLinked | Transfers are not allowed for these accounts. unlinked account error code |
TransferBlockedWalletWithdrawal | Transfers are not allowed for these accounts. cannot transfer p2p -> crw |
TransferCurrencyMismatch | Currency provided is different from account currency. |
TransferInvalidAmount | Please provide valid amount. |
TransferSetCurrency | Please set the currency for your existing account [_1]. |
TransferSuspended | Transfers between fiat and crypto accounts are currently unavailable. Please try again later. |
TransferToNonPaSibling | You are not allowed to transfer to this account. Transferring from a payment agent to non-pa sibling is not allowed. |
TransferToOtherPA | You are not allowed to transfer to other payment agents. |
UNAVAILABLE_ISSUER | The verification status is not available, provider says: Issuer Unavailable. |
UNAVAILABLE_MICROSERVICE | The verification status is not available, provider says: Microservice unavailable. |
UNAVAILABLE_STATUS | The verification status is not available, provider says: N/A. |
UNDERAGE | You're under legal age. |
UNEXPECTED_ERROR | The verification status is not available, provider says: Unexpected Error. |
UnderageBlocked | The document you used appears to be from an underage individual. Please use a valid document. The document has been underage blocked. |
UnrecognizedEvent | No such category or event. Please check the provided value. |
UnwelcomeAccount | We are unable to do that because your account has been restricted. If you need help, let us know. |
UnwelcomeStatus | We are unable to transfer to [_1] because that account has been restricted. |
UploadDenied | error code is correct |
UserIsNotEligibleForMigration | Your account is not ready for wallet migration. |
UserServiceError | invalid auth_token |
VERIFICATION_STARTED | The document's verification has started. |
ValueOutOfRange | It must be between [_1] and [_2]. |
VirtualAccount | This is a virtual-money account. Please switch to a real-money account to access cashier. |
VirtualNotAllowed | This feature is not available to virtual accounts. Virtual not allowed |
WalletAccountsNotAllowed | Transfer between wallet accounts is not allowed. |
WalletMigrationInprogress | This may take up to 2 minutes. During this time, you will not be able to deposit, withdraw, transfer, and add new accounts. |
WalletSignupUnavailable | New wallet accounts are not available in your country. wallet signup unavailable error code |
WithdrawalLocked | You cannot perform this action, as your account is withdrawal locked. |
WithdrawalLockedStatus | You cannot perform this action, as your account is withdrawal locked. Correct error code |
WrongAmount | Please enter a valid amount to transfer. |
WrongLoginID | Login ID ([_1]) does not exist. |
account_opening_reason | Your account opening reason cannot be changed. |
age_validation.minimum_accepted_age | Your age in the document you provided appears to be below 18 years. We're only allowed to offer our services to clients above 18 years old, so we'll need to close your account. If you have a balance in your account, contact us via live chat and we'll help to withdraw your funds before your account is closed. |
already_expired => {message | Expiration date cannot be less than or equal to current date. |
citizen | Your citizenship cannot be changed. |
compromised_document | Your document failed our verification checks. |
data_comparison.date_of_birth | The date of birth on your document doesn't match your profile. |
data_comparison.date_of_expiry | Your document has expired. |
data_comparison.document_numbers | Your document appears to be invalid. |
data_comparison.document_type | Your document appears to be invalid. |
data_comparison.first_name | The name on your document doesn't match your profile. |
data_comparison.issuing_country | Your document appears to be invalid. |
data_comparison.last_name | The name on your document doesn't match your profile. |
date_of_birth | Your date of birth cannot be changed. |
description | DP2P is Deriv's peer-to-peer deposit and withdrawal service |
duplicate email | Your provided email address is already in use by another Login ID. According to our terms and conditions, you may only register once through our site. Correct error code |
duplicate name DOB | Sorry, it looks like you already have a real money account with us. Only one real money account is allowed for each client. |
duplicated_document | We're unable to verify the document you provided as it was already submitted. |
email unverified | Your email address is unverified. It should return error if email unverified |
end_date | Please enter end date. |
first_name | Your first name cannot be changed. |
insufficient score | Unfortunately your answers to the questions above indicate that you do not have sufficient financial resources or trading experience to be eligible to open a trading account at this time. |
invalid | Sorry, account opening is unavailable. Exception thrown for client creation. |
invalid residence | Sorry, our service is not available for your country of residence. gb is not allowed to sign up |
invalid_exp_date => {message | Invalid expiration date |
invalid_proof_of_ownership_id => {message | The proof of ownership id provided is not valid. |
last_name | Your last name cannot be changed. |
market => { name => 'forex', display_name | Forex |
message_to_client | This account is already phone number verified |
missing_doc_id => {message | Document ID is required. |
missing_exp_date => {message | Expiration date is required. |
missing_issuing_country => {message | Issuing country is mandatory for proof of identity |
missing_proof_of_ownership_details => {message | You must specify the proof of ownership details. |
missing_proof_of_ownership_id => {message | You must specify the proof of ownership id. |
no residence | Your account has no country of residence. |
place_of_birth | Your place of birth cannot be changed. |
poa_pending | POA document is already uploaded and pending for review |
poi_pending | POI documents are already uploaded and pending for review |
pricing error | Unable to price the contract. |
salutation | Your salutation cannot be changed. |
secret_answer | Your secret answer cannot be changed. |
secret_question | Your secret question cannot be changed. |
selfie | We're unable to verify the selfie you provided as it does not match the required criteria. Please provide a photo that closely resembles the document photo provided. |
start_date | Please enter start date. |
subject | Your new trading password request |
system_maintenance | Sorry, cashier is temporarily unavailable due to system maintenance. |
tax_identification_number | Your tax identification number cannot be changed. |
tax_residence | Your tax residence cannot be changed. |
title | Phone number verification |
too young | Sorry, you are too young to open an account. |
Error Code | Description |
ExpiredDocumentsMT5 | Your identity documents have expired. Visit your account profile to submit your valid documents and create your MT5 Financial STP account. |
IncompatibleMt5ToMt5 | Transfer between two MT5 accounts is not allowed. |
IncorrectMT5PasswordFormat | Your password must be 8 to 16 characters long. It must include lowercase, uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters. |
InvalidMT5Account | Sorry, we couldn't find your MT5 account. |
InvalidMT5Group | This MT5 account has an invalid Landing Company. Permission denied. |
MT5APISuspendedError | MT5 is currently unavailable. Please try again later. |
MT5AccountCreationThrottle | We're unable to add another MT5 account right now. Please try again in a minute. |
MT5AccountExisting | Change of currency is not allowed due to an existing MT5 real account. |
MT5AccountInaccessible | The following MT5 account(s) are temporarily inaccessible: [_1]. Please try again later. |
MT5AccountInactive | Your MT5 account is inactive. Please contact us for more information. |
MT5AccountLocked | Your MT5 account is locked. Please contact us for more information. |
MT5AccountMigrationSuspended | Failed to migrate account. [_1] Account for migration not found. |
MT5CreateUserError | An error occurred while creating your account. Please check your information and try again. Has correct error code for duplicate account. |
MT5DEMOAPISuspendedError | MT5 is currently unavailable. Please try again later. |
MT5DepositError | error code is MT5DepositError |
MT5DepositLocked | You cannot make a deposit because your MT5 account is disabled. Please contact our Customer Support team. |
MT5DepositSuspended | Deposits are currently unavailable. Please try again later. |
MT5Duplicate | An account already exists with the information you provided. If you've forgotten your username or password, please contact us. |
MT5GetGroupError | N/A |
MT5GetUserError | N/A |
MT5InvalidAccount | An invalid MT5 account ID was provided. |
MT5KYCDepositLocked | You cannot make a deposit because your MT5 account identity verification requirements are not met. Please contact our Customer Support team. |
MT5KYCWithdrawalLocked | You cannot make a withdrawal because your MT5 account identity verification requirements are not met. Please contact our Customer Support team. |
MT5NotAllowed | MT5 [_1] account is not available in your country yet. Only svg, malta, maltainvest clients allowed. |
MT5PasswordChangeError | You've used this password before. Please create a different one. |
MT5PasswordEmailLikenessError | You cannot use your email address as your password. |
MT5REALAPISuspendedError | MT5 is currently unavailable. Please try again later. |
MT5REALDepositSuspended | Deposits are currently unavailable. Please try again later. |
MT5REALWithdrawalSuspended | Withdrawals are currently unavailable. Please try again later. |
MT5SamePassword | Please use different passwords for your investor and main accounts. |
MT5Suspended | MT5 account management is currently suspended. |
MT5SwapFreeNotAllowed | MT5 swap-free [_1] account is not available in your country yet. |
MT5TransferSuspension | We are still processing your transfer. Please try again later. |
MT5TransfersLocked | It looks like your account is locked for MT5 transfers. Please contact us for more information. |
MT5WithdrawalError | error code is MT5WithdrawalError |
MT5WithdrawalSuspended | Withdrawals are currently unavailable. Please try again later. |
MT5ZeroSpreadNotAllowed | MT5 Zero Spread [_1] account is not available in your country yet. |
PoBoxAddressMT5 | Physical address is required to create an MT5 account. Please contact our Customer Support team. |
Error Code | Message |
ActivePaymentMethodRequired | At least one active payment method is required. |
AdvertContactInfoRequired | Please provide your contact details. |
AdvertCounterpartyIneligible | You do not meet the advertiser's requirements for placing an order on this advert. |
AdvertFixedRateNotAllowed | Fixed rate adverts are not available at this time. |
AdvertFloatRateNotAllowed | Floating rate adverts are not available at this time. |
AdvertInfoMissingParam | An advert ID must be provided when not subscribing. Error for no id or subscribe. |
AdvertIsDisabled | This ad is currently unavailable. Please choose another ad or check back later. |
AdvertMaxExceeded | You've reached the maximum ad limit. Please deactivate some ads. |
AdvertMaxExceededSameType | You've reached the maximum of [_1] active ads for this currency pair and order type. Please delete an ad to place a new one. |
AdvertNoPaymentMethod | This advert has no payment methods. Please add at least one before activating it. |
AdvertNotFound | We can't find the ad. Please review the details or try another ad. Get info for non-existent advert. |
AdvertOwnerNotApproved | This advertiser has not been approved yet. Please choose another advertiser. |
AdvertPaymentInfoRequired | Please provide your payment details. |
AdvertPaymentMethodNamesNotAllowed | Payment method names cannot be provided for sell ads. Please provide saved payment methods. |
AdvertPaymentMethodParam | Payment method field cannot be combined with other payment methods. |
AdvertPaymentMethodRequired | Please add a payment method to this ad. |
AdvertPaymentMethodsNotAllowed | Saved payment methods cannot be provided for buy ads. Please provide payment method names. |
AdvertSameLimits | Please change the minimum and/or maximum order limit for this ad. The range between these limits must not overlap with another active ad you created for this currency pair and order type. |
AdvertiserBlocked | You cannot place an order on the advert, because you have blocked the advertiser. |
AdvertiserCannotListAds | You cannot list adverts because you've not been approved as an advertiser yet. |
AdvertiserCreateChatError | An error occurred (chat user not created). Please try again later. |
AdvertiserNameRequired | Please provide your name. Cannot update the advertiser name to blank. |
AdvertiserNameTaken | That nickname is taken. Pick another. |
AdvertiserNotApproved | Before you can post an ad, we need to verify your identity. Please complete your identity verification at Cannot update the advertiser information when advertiser is not approved. |
AdvertiserNotApprovedForBlock | You can't block anyone because you haven't verified your identity yet. |
AdvertiserNotApprovedForOrder | Before you can place an order, we need to verify your identity. Please complete your identity verification at |
AdvertiserNotEligibleForLimitUpgrade | You are not eligible for P2P buy and sell limit upgrade. Please contact our Customer Support team for more information. |
AdvertiserNotFound | We can't find the advertiser. Please review the details and try again. Get info of non-existent advertiser. |
AdvertiserNotFoundForChat | You may not chat until you have registered as a Deriv P2P advertiser. |
AdvertiserNotFoundForChatToken | This account is not registered as a Deriv P2P advertiser. |
AdvertiserNotFoundForOrder | You are using an old version of this app, which no longer supports placing orders. Please upgrade your app to place your order. |
AdvertiserNotListed | This advertiser is currently inactive. Please check again later or choose another advertiser. |
AdvertiserNotRegistered | Please apply to be an advertiser. If you've already applied, please contact our Customer Support team. Update non-existent advertiser. |
AdvertiserRelationSelf | You may not assign your own Advertiser ID as favourite or blocked. |
AdvertiserScheduleAvailability | The advertiser's scheduled availability does not allow placing an order on this ad at this time. |
AlreadyInProgress | Order is in progress. Changes are no longer allowed. |
AlreadyRegistered | You are already an advertiser. |
AuthenticationRequired | Submit your proof of address and identity before signing up for Deriv P2P. |
BelowPerOrderLimit | Minimum ad order amount is [_1] [_2]. Please adjust the value. |
BlockAndFavouriteNotAllowedTogether | You can't block and follow the same advertiser(s): [_1]. |
BlockAndUnblockNotAllowedTogether | You can't block and unblock the same advertiser(s): [_1]. |
BlockTradeDisabled | Block trading is currently unavailable. Please try again later. |
BlockTradeNotAllowed | You're not eligible for block trading. Contact our Customer Support team for more information. |
BlockingFavouriteAdvertiserNotAllowed | You can't block these advertiser(s) because you are currently following them: [_1]. |
ChatTokenError | An error occurred when issuing a new token. Please try again later. |
ClientDailyOrderLimitExceeded | You may only place [_1] orders every 24 hours. Please try again later. Client daily order limit exceeded. |
ClientScheduleAvailability | Your scheduled availability does not allow placing an order on this ad at this time. |
CounterpartyNotAdvertiserForChat | Chat is not possible because the other client is not yet registered as a Deriv P2P advertiser. |
CreateChatError | An error occurred when creating the chat. Please try again later. |
CrossBorderNotAllowed | Only exchanges in your local currency are supported. Contact us via live chat to learn more. |
DuplicateAdvert | You have another active ad with the same rate for this currency pair and order type. Please set a different rate. |
DuplicatePaymentMethod | You have a payment method with the same values for [_1]. |
EscrowNotFound | Advertising for this currency is currently unavailable. Please contact our Customer Support team or try again later. |
ExcessiveVerificationFailures | It looks like you've made too many attempts to confirm this order. Please try again after [_1] minutes. |
ExcessiveVerificationRequests | Please wait for [_1] seconds before requesting another email. |
FavouriteAndUnfavouriteNotAllowedTogether | You can't follow and unfollow the same advertiser(s): [_1]. |
FavouritingBlockedAdvertiserNotAllowed | You can't follow these advertiser(s) because you had already blocked them : [_1]. |
FloatRatePrecision | Floating rate cannot be provided with more than 2 decimal places of precision. |
FloatRateTooBig | The allowed range for floating rate is -[_1]% to +[_1]%. |
InvalidAdvertForOrder | It is not possible to place an order on this advert. Please choose another advert. |
InvalidAdvertOwn | You cannot place an order for your own ad. |
InvalidAdvertiserID | Invalid Advertiser ID provided. |
InvalidAdvertiserIDsForBlocking | You can't block these advertiser(s) because you had already blocked them: [_1]. |
InvalidAdvertiserIDsForFavouriting | You can't follow these advertiser(s) because you had already followed them: [_1]. |
InvalidAdvertiserIDsForUnblocking | You can't unblock these advertiser(s) because you didn't block them before: [_1]. |
InvalidAdvertiserIDsForUnfavouriting | You can't unfollow these advertiser(s) because you didn't follow them before: [_1]. |
InvalidCountry | [_1] is not a valid country code or a country where P2P is offered. |
InvalidDateFormat | Invalid date format. |
InvalidFinalStateForDispute | This order is complete and can no longer be disputed. Invalid final state for dispute. |
InvalidListLimit | Please enter a limit value that's greater than 0. |
InvalidListOffset | The offset value cannot be negative. Please enter 0 or higher. |
InvalidLocalCurrency | Invalid currency provided. |
InvalidMinMaxAmount | The minimum order amount should be less than or equal to the maximum order amount. Please adjust the value. min_order_amount cannot be greater than max_order_amount. |
InvalidOrderCurrency | Please select an ad that matches your currency. |
InvalidOrderExpiryPeriod | Invalid order expiry period provided. |
InvalidOtherPaymentMethodName | [_1] is similar to an available P2P payment method. Try entering a different payment method. |
InvalidPaymentMethod | Invalid payment method provided: [_1]. |
InvalidPaymentMethodField | [_1] is not a valid field for payment method [_2]. |
InvalidPaymentMethods | Invalid payment methods provided. |
InvalidReasonForBuyer | This reason doesn't apply to your case. Please choose another reason. Invalid reason for buyer. |
InvalidReasonForSeller | This reason doesn't apply to your case. Please choose another reason. Invalid reason for seller. |
InvalidScheduleInterval | The value [_1] is invalid. Period start and end values must be multiples of [_2]. |
InvalidScheduleRange | The end time of a period must be greater than the start time. |
InvalidStateForDispute | Please wait until the order expires to raise a dispute. Invalid state for dispute. |
InvalidVerificationToken | The link that you used appears to be invalid. Please check and try again. |
MaxPerOrderExceeded | Maximum ad order amount is [_1] [_2]. Please adjust the value. |
MaximumExceeded | Maximum ad limit is [_1] [_2]. Please adjust the value. |
MaximumExceededNewAmount | Maximum ad limit is [_1] [_4], and [_2] [_4] has been used by existing orders, so the new amount will be [_3] [_4]. Please adjust the value. |
MinPriceTooSmall | Minimum order amount is [_1]. Please adjust the value. Got error if min price is 0. |
MissingPaymentMethodField | [_1] is a required field for payment method [_2]. Please provide a value. |
NoCountry | Please set your country of residence. |
NoCurrency | Please set your account currency. error code is NoCurrency. |
NoLocalCurrency | We cannot recognise your local currency. Please contact our Customer Support team. |
NotLoggedIn | Please log in to continue. |
OpenOrdersDeleteAdvert | You have open orders for this ad. Complete all open orders before deleting this ad. |
OrderAlreadyCancelled | You've already cancelled this order. |
OrderAlreadyConfirmedBuyer | You've already confirmed this order. Please wait for the seller to confirm. |
OrderAlreadyConfirmedTimedout | You've already confirmed this order, but the seller has not. Please contact them for more information. If you need help, contact our Customer Support team. |
OrderAlreadyExists | You have an active order for this ad. Please complete the order before making a new one. |
OrderChatAlreadyCreated | A chat for this order has already been created. |
OrderConfirmCompleted | This order has already been completed. |
OrderContactInfoRequired | Please provide your contact details. |
OrderCreateFailAmount | An order cannot be created for this amount at this time. Please try adjusting the amount. |
OrderCreateFailAmountAdvertiser | An order cannot be created for this amount at this time. Please try adjusting the amount. |
OrderCreateFailClient | There was a problem in placing this order. [_1] |
OrderCreateFailClientBalance | The amount of the order exceeds your funds available in Deriv P2P. |
OrderCreateFailRateChanged | The rate of the advert has changed. Please try creating your order again. |
OrderCreateFailRateRequired | Please provide a rate for this order. |
OrderCreateFailRateSlippage | We're unable to create your order because the market rate has moved too much. Please try creating your order again. |
OrderEmailVerificationRequired | We've sent you an email. Click the confirmation link in the email to complete this order. |
OrderMaximumExceeded | Maximum ad amount is [_1] [_2]. Please adjust the value. |
OrderMaximumTempExceeded | Maximum order amount at this time is [_1] [_2]. Please adjust the value or try after 00:00 GMT. |
OrderMinimumNotMet | Minimum ad amount is [_1] [_2]. Please adjust the value. |
OrderNoEditExpired | This order has expired and cannot be changed. |
OrderNotConfirmedPending | Please wait for the buyer to confirm the order. |
OrderNotFound | This order does not exist. Confirm non-existent order. |
OrderPaymentContactInfoNotAllowed | Buy orders do not require payment and contact information. |
OrderPaymentInfoRequired | Please provide your payment details. |
OrderRefundInvalid | This order has already been cancelled. |
OrderReviewExists | You have already reviewed this order. |
OrderReviewNotComplete | This order can only be reviewed after it has been successfully completed. |
OrderReviewPeriodExpired | It's not possible to give a review now. Reviews can only be placed within [_1] hours of successfully completing the order. |
OrderReviewStatusInvalid | This order cannot be reviewed. It was not successfully completed. |
OrderUnderDispute | This order is under dispute. Order is already under dispute. |
P2PDepositsTransfer | As some of your previous deposits were made via P2P, the maximum you can transfer is [_1] [_2]. |
P2PDepositsTransferZero | As your previous deposits were made via P2P, transfers are not possible from this account. |
P2PDepositsWithdrawal | As some of your previous deposits were made via P2P, the maximum you can withdraw is [_1] [_2]. |
P2PDepositsWithdrawalZero | As your previous deposits were made via P2P, you can only withdraw via P2P. |
P2PDisabled | Deriv P2P is currently unavailable. Please check back later. error code is P2PDisabled. |
P2PError | Sorry, an error occurred. |
P2PLimitUpgradeFailed | There was a problem in upgrading your limit. Please try again later or contact our Customer Support team for more information. |
P2PRestrictedCountry | Deriv P2P is unavailable in your country. Please provide a different account opening reason. |
PaymentMethodInUse | This payment method is in use by multiple ads and/or orders, and cannot be deleted or deactivated. |
PaymentMethodInfoAlreadyInUse | The [_1] details you entered are already in use by another advertiser. Use different details or contact us via live chat for further assistance. |
PaymentMethodNotFound | The payment method ID does not exist. |
PaymentMethodNotInAd | [_1] is not available as a payment method for this advert. |
PaymentMethodRemoveActiveOrders | You have active orders on this ad, so you must keep these payment methods: [_1]. |
PaymentMethodRemoveActiveOrdersDB | You cannot remove payment methods used by active orders on this advert. |
PaymentMethodUsedByAd | You can't delete this payment method because it's in use by these sell ad(s): [_1]. |
PaymentMethodUsedByOrder | This payment method is in use by the following order(s): [_1]. Please wait until it completes. |
PaymentMethodsDisabled | The payment method feature is not available on P2P yet. Please check back later. |
RateTooBig | Ad rate should not be more than [_1]. Please adjust the value. |
RateTooSmall | Ad rate should not be less than [_1]. Please adjust the value. |
RestrictedCountry | Deriv P2P is unavailable in your country. correct error code. |
RestrictedCurrency | [_1] is not supported at the moment. error code is RestrictedCurrency. |
ServiceNotAllowedForPA | This service is not available for payment agents. Payment agents cannot create orders. |
TemporaryBar | You've been temporarily barred from using our services due to multiple cancellation attempts. Try again after [_1] GMT. |
UnavailableOnVirtual | Deriv P2P is unavailable on demo accounts. Please switch to your real account. error code is UnavailableOnVirtual. |
Error Code | Message |
APITokenError | [_1] is required.', 'new_token |
ASK_FIX_DETAILS | MT5 is currently unavailable. Please try again later. |
AccountHasPendingConditions | Please close open positions and withdraw all funds from your [_1] account(s). Also, notice if you have pending withdrawal requests, wait for those to be finalized first before proceeding. |
AccountTypeMissing | N/A |
Crypto2CryptoTransferOverLimit | Not verified account should not pass the crypto to crypto limit |
Crypto2FiatTransferOverLimit | Not verified account should not pass the crypto to fiat limit |
Fiat2CryptoTransferOverLimit | Not verified account should not pass the fiat to crypto limit |
InputValidationFailed | Your password must be 8 to 25 characters long. It must include lowercase and uppercase letters, and numbers. |
InvalidChecksum | The security hash used in your request appears to be invalid. |
InvalidDemoAccountType | N/A |
InvalidEmail | This email is already in use. Please use a different email. |
InvalidRequestParams | Invalid request parameters. |
InvalidToken | The token is invalid, requires 'admin' scope. |
PasswordChangeError | We were unable to change your password due to an unexpected error. Please try again. |
PasswordResetError | We were unable to reset your password due to an unexpected error. Please try again. |
PermissionDenied | Wallet account creation is currently suspended. |
RealToVirtualNotAllowed | Transfer between real and virtual accounts is not allowed. MT5 demo -> real account transfer error code |
ReasonNotSpecified | Please specify the reasons for closing your accounts. |
SetSelfExclusionError | Please provide at least one self-exclusion setting. |
SocialBased | Sorry, your account does not allow passwords because you use social media to log in. |
SuspendedDueToLoad | The system is currently under heavy load, and this call has been suspended temporarily. Please try again in a few minutes. |
TokenDeleted | No token found |
UnknownLandingCompany | Unknown landing company. |
UserAlreadyVerified | User is already email verified. |
TransfersBlocked | Transfers are not allowed for these accounts. |
Error Code | Message |
ApplicantError | Cannot create applicant for [_1]. |
MissingPersonalDetails | Update your personal details. |
ServiceUnavailable | The requested service is unavailable at the moment. |
TokenGeneratingError | Cannot generate token for [_1]. |
UnsupportedCountry | Country |
data_validation.date_of_birth | Some details on your document appear to be invalid, missing, or unclear. |
data_validation.document_expiration | Your document has expired. |
data_validation.document_numbers | Some details in your document appear to be invalid, missing, or unclear. |
data_validation.expiry_date | Some details on your document appear to be invalid, missing, or unclear. |
data_validation.mrz | Some details on your document appear to be invalid, missing, or unclear. |
data_validation.no_document_numbers | The serial number of your document couldn't be verified. |
image_integrity.colour_picture | Your document appears to be in black and white. Please upload a colour photo of your document. |
image_integrity.conclusive_document_quality | Your document appears to be invalid. |
image_integrity.conclusive_document_quality.abnormal_document_features | Some details on your document appear to be invalid, missing, or unclear. |
image_integrity.conclusive_document_quality.corner_removed | Your document appears to be damaged or cropped. |
image_integrity.conclusive_document_quality.digital_document | Your document appears to be a digital document. |
image_integrity.conclusive_document_quality.missing_back | The back of your document appears to be missing. Please include both sides of your identity document. |
image_integrity.conclusive_document_quality.obscured_data_points | Some details on your document appear to be invalid, missing, or unclear. |
image_integrity.conclusive_document_quality.obscured_security_features | Some details on your document appear to be invalid, missing, or unclear. |
image_integrity.conclusive_document_quality.punctured_document | Your document appears to be damaged or cropped. |
image_integrity.conclusive_document_quality.watermarks_digital_text_overlay | Your document contains markings or text that should not be on your document. |
image_integrity.image_quality | The image quality of your document is too low. Please provide a hi-res photo of your identity document. |
image_integrity.image_quality.blurred_photo | We were unable to verify your selfie because it's not clear. Please take a clearer photo and try again. |
image_integrity.image_quality.covered_photo | We're unable to verify the document you provided because some details appear to be missing. Please try again. |
image_integrity.image_quality.cut_off_document | We're unable to verify the document you provided because it appears to be damaged. Please try again. |
image_integrity.image_quality.damaged_document | We're unable to verify the document you provided because it appears to be damaged. Please try again. |
image_integrity.image_quality.dark_photo | We were unable to verify your selfie because it's not clear. Please take a clearer photo and try again. |
image_integrity.image_quality.glare_on_photo | We were unable to verify your selfie because it's not clear. Please take a clearer photo and try again. |
image_integrity.image_quality.incorrect_side | The front of your document appears to be missing. Please provide both sides of your identity document. |
image_integrity.image_quality.no_document_in_image | We're unable to verify the document you provided because it appears to be a blank image. Please try again. |
image_integrity.image_quality.other_photo_issue | We're unable to verify the document you provided because some details appear to be missing. Please try again. |
image_integrity.image_quality.two_documents_uploaded | The document you provided appears to be two different types. Please try again. |
image_integrity.supported_document | The document you provided is not supported for your country. Please provide a supported document. |
visual_authenticity.digital_tampering | Your document appears to be invalid. |
visual_authenticity.face_detection | Your document appears to be invalid. |
visual_authenticity.fonts | Your document appears to be invalid. |
visual_authenticity.original_document_present | Your document appears to be a scanned copy that contains markings or text that shouldn't be on your document. |
visual_authenticity.original_document_present.document_on_printed_paper | Your document appears to be a printed copy. |
visual_authenticity.original_document_present.photo_of_screen | Your document appears to be a photo of a device screen. |
visual_authenticity.original_document_present.scan | We're unable to verify the document you provided because it contains markings or text that should not be there. |
visual_authenticity.original_document_present.screenshot | Your document appears to be a screenshot. |
visual_authenticity.picture_face_integrity | Your document appears to be invalid. |
visual_authenticity.security_features | Your document appears to be invalid. |
visual_authenticity.template | Your document appears to be invalid. |
Error Code | Message |
ASK_AUTHENTICATE | Please authenticate your account. MF client needs to be fully authenticated |
ASK_CURRENCY | Client has no default currency |
ASK_EMAIL_VERIFY | Verify your withdraw request. Withdrawal needs verification token |
ASK_FINANCIAL_RISK_APPROVAL | Financial risk approval is required |
ASK_TIN_INFORMATION | Tax information is required for malatainvest |
AmountExceedsBalance | Withdrawal amount [100.01 USD] exceeds client balance [100.00 USD]. |
AmountExceedsUnfrozenBalance | Withdrawal is 320.00 USD but balance 320.00 includes frozen bonus 20.00. |
CashierForwardError | Verify your withdraw request. |
CryptoConnectionError | An error occurred while processing your request. Please try again later. |
CryptoInvalidCurrency | The provided currency [_1] is not a valid cryptocurrency. |
CryptoMissingRequiredParameter | Missing or invalid required parameter. |
InvalidCashierCurrency | This feature is unavailable for the provided currency: [_1] |
InvalidCurrency | Returns correct error code if currency is invalid |
InvalidRequest | Crypto cashier is unavailable for the provided currency. |
JustificationAlreadySubmitted | You cannot submit another payment agent withdrawal justification within 24 hours. Error code for repeat submission |
NoBalance | This transaction cannot be done because your |
NotAuthentorized | |
TopupDemoError | |
UnhandledError | An error that is not handled here. |
WithdrawalLimit | Withdrawal is 20.00 USD but balance 20.00 includes frozen bonus 20.00. |
WithdrawalLimitReached | You |
account_transfer | Crypto cashier is unavailable for the provided currency. |
Error Code | Message |
CTIDGetFailed | Failed to retrieve new or existing CTID. |
CopyTradingWrongCurrency | Your account currency and trader currency must be same. |
CurrencyRequired | Please provide valid currency. |
CurrencyTypeNotAllowed | This currency is temporarily suspended. Please select another currency to proceed. error code is CurrencyTypeNotAllowed |
DifferentLandingCompanies | Transfers between EU and non-EU accounts aren't allowed. You can only transfer funds between accounts under the same regulator. |
FinancialAssessmentMandatory | Please complete your financial assessment. should complete F.A. |
InvalidStakeLimit | Min trade stake should be lower than max trade stake. |
InvalidTradeType | Invalid trade type: [_1]. |
MaximumAmountTransfers | The maximum amount of transfers is [_1] [_2] per day. Please try again tomorrow. limit applies to different account of same user |
MaximumTransfers | You can only perform up to [_1] transfers a day. Please try again tomorrow. Daily Transfer limit - correct error code |
NoAgeVerification | You haven't verified your age. Please contact us for more information. should be age verified |
NoOldPassword | Old password cannot be provided until a trading password has been set. cannot provide old password yet |
OldPasswordError | You've used this password before. Please create a different one. |
OldPasswordRequired | Old password cannot be empty. |
PasswordRequired | A new password is required |
PlatformInvestorPasswordChangeError | |
PlatformPasswordChangeError | Due to a network issue, we |
PlatformPasswordChangeSuspended | We're unable to reset your trading password due to system maintenance. Please try again later. |
PlatformTransferAccountInvalid | The provided Deriv account ID is not valid. Non sibling cannot transfer |
PlatformTransferBlocked | Transfers have been blocked on this account. |
PlatformTransferCurrencySuspended | [_1] currency transfers are suspended. |
PlatformTransferDemoOnly | Both accounts must be demo accounts. |
PlatformTransferError | The transfer could not be completed: [_1] Insufficient balance |
PlatformTransferNoVirtual | This feature is not available for virtual accounts. |
PlatformTransferNocurrency | Please select your account currency first. |
PlatformTransferOauthTokenRequired | This request must be made using a connection authorized by the Deriv account involved in the transfer. non oauth token not allowed |
PlatformTransferRealOnly | Both accounts must be real accounts. |
PlatformTransferRealParams | A Deriv account ID and amount must be provided for real accounts. from_account and amount needed for real account |
PlatformTransferSuspended | Transfers are suspended for system maintenance. Please try later. |
PlatformTransferTemporarilyUnavailable | Transfers between these accounts are temporarily unavailable. Please try later. |
PlatformTransferWalletOnly | This feature is only available for wallet accounts. |
TradingAccountCurrencyNotAllowed | This currency is not available. must use a valid currency |
TradingAccountNotAllowed | This trading platform account is not available in your country yet. only svg countries |
UserServiceFailed | There was a problem reading your user data. |
CTraderAccountCreateFailed | There was an error creating cTrader account. Please try again later. |
CTraderAccountCreationInProgress | Your account creation is still in progress. Please wait for completion. |
CTraderAccountLinkFailed | There was an error linking created cTrader account. Please try again later. |
CTraderAccountNotFound | No cTrader accounts found. |
CTraderDemoTopFailed | Your cTrader demo account could not be topped up at this time. Please try later. |
CTraderDemoTopupBalance | We cannot complete your request. You can only top up your cTrader demo account when the balance falls below [_1] [_2]. |
CTraderDepositFailed | The required funds could not be deposited to your cTrader account. Please try a different account. |
CTraderDepositIncomplete | The deposit to your cTrader account did not complete. Please contact our Customer Support team. |
CTraderDepositSuspended | cTrader deposit is currently suspended. |
CTraderExistingAccountGroupMissing | Existing cTrader accounts missing group data. |
CTraderExistingAccountLimitExceeded | Maximum allowed cTrader [_1] accounts per client exceeded. You can have up to [_2] cTrader accounts. |
CTraderGeneral | This service is currently unavailable. Please try again later. |
CTraderInsufficientBalance | Your cTrader account balance is insufficient for this withdrawal. |
CTraderInvalidAccount | An invalid cTrader account ID was provided. Cannot transfer from real wallet to ctrader demo. |
CTraderInvalidAccountType | An invalid cTrader account type was provided for account creation. |
CTraderInvalidGroup | cTrader invalid group provided. |
CTraderInvalidMarketType | An invalid cTrader market type was provided for account creation. |
CTraderNotAllowed | cTrader account or landing company is not available in your country yet. |
CTraderServerSuspended | This feature is suspended for system maintenance. Please try later. |
CTraderSuspended | cTrader account management is currently suspended. |
CTraderTransferCompleteError | The transfer completed successfully, but an error occurred when getting account details. |
CTraderUnsupportedCountry | cTrader unsupported country code. |
CTraderWithdrawalFailed | The required funds could not be withdrawn from your cTrader account. Please try later or use a different account. |
CTraderWithdrawalIncomplete | The credit to your Deriv account did not complete. Please contact our Customer Support team. |
CTraderWithdrawalSuspended | cTrader withdrawal is currently suspended. |
ContractIsSold | Contract has expired. |
ContractNotFound | This contract was not found among your open positions. |
InvalidContractUpdate | |
InvalidUpdateArgument | Only a hash reference input is accepted. |
InvalidUpdateValue | Please enter a number or a null value. |
TooFrequentUpdate | Only one update per second is allowed. |
Update is not available | Update of stop loss and take profit is not available at the moment. |
UpdateNotAllowed | This contract cannot be updated once you've made your purchase. This feature is not available for this contract type. |
UpdateStopLossNotAllowed | You may update your stop loss amount after deal cancellation has expired. |
UpdateTakeProfitNotAllowed | You may update your take profit amount after deal cancellation has expired. |
accumulator | ACCU is not supported. |
multiplier | MULTUP and MULTDOWN are not supported. |
Deriv X
Error Code | Message |
DXDemoTopFailed | Your Deriv X demo account could not be topped up at this time. Please try later. |
DXDemoTopupBalance | We cannot complete your request. You can only top up your Deriv X demo account when the balance falls below [_1] [_2]. expected error for top up virtual |
DXDepositFailed | The required funds could not be withdrawn from your Deriv account. Please try a different account. |
DXDepositIncomplete | The deposit to your Deriv X account did not complete. Please contact our Customer Support team. |
DXExistingAccount | You already have Deriv X account of this type (account ID [_1]).[_2] error code for duplicate account. |
DXGeneral | This service is currently unavailable. Please try again later. |
DXInsufficientBalance | Your Deriv X account balance is insufficient for this withdrawal. |
DXInvalidAccount | An invalid Deriv X account ID was provided. Cannot transfer from real wallet to dxtrade demo. |
DXInvalidMarketType | An invalid Deriv X market type was provided for [_1] account creation. |
DXNewAccountFailed | There was an error while creating your account. Please try again later. |
DXNoAccount | You do not have a Deriv X account on the provided server. |
DXNoServer | Server must be provided for Deriv X service token. |
DXServerSuspended | This feature is suspended for system maintenance. Please try later. server suspended |
DXSuspended | Deriv X account management is currently suspended. dxtrade suspended |
DXTokenGenerationFailed | Token generation failed. Please try later. |
DXTradeAccountExisting | Change of currency is not allowed due to an existing Deriv X real account. |
DXTransferCompleteError | The transfer completed successfully, but an error occurred when getting account details. |
DXWithdrawalFailed | The required funds could not be withdrawn from your Deriv X account. Please try later or use a different account. |
DXWithdrawalIncomplete | The credit to your Deriv account did not complete. Please contact our Customer Support team. |
DXtradeNoCurrency | Please provide a currency for the Deriv X account. |
IncompatibleDxtradeToDxtrade | Transfer between two Deriv X accounts is not allowed. |
IncompatibleDxtradeToMt5 | You are not allowed to transfer to this account. |
IncompatibleMt5ToDxtrade | You are not allowed to transfer to this account. |
Updated 4 months ago